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Learn more about tPEMF in three ways.
First, a general overview of tPEMF and how it was developed can be found on Assisi’s technology page. Second, refer to this document on the Assisi Loop’s mechanism of action, detailing the characteristics of the tPEMF signal and how it affects the body. Third, for a more in-depth, scientific perspective on cell signaling with PEMF devices, consult Assisi’s Powerpoint presentation from the inventor of the Assisi Loop, Dr. Arthur A. Pilla. Dr. Pilla is a professor at the department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University and the department of Orthopedics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Most pet owners prefer to use the Assisi Loop 2.0. This device is easy to use at home and is appropriate for all of the conditions that you may be treating. The Assisi Loop 2.0 shuts itself off after each 15 minute treatment. The pet owner won’t need to set a timer and they won’t have to remember to turn the device off after the treatment is complete. The Assisi Loop 2.0 offers a minimum of 150 15-minute treatments.
The Assisi Loop Auto-Cycle is designed to treat acute conditions such as post-surgical healing and post-traumatic wound care. The Auto-Cycle is pre-programmed to treat these conditions continuously over a period of several days or more (up to 2-3 weeks). Both versions of the Assisi Loop have a treatment depth of 3-7 inches, depending on how you position it on the area in need of treatment. The field penetrates through casts and wound dressings. As such, if you have an animal with an acute condition, you can affix the Loop with vet wrap, integrate it with the wound dressing, or attach it to clothing/blankets that the animal may be wearing. The automatic program will treat for 15 minutes every two hours (which is the optimum treatment protocol for acute conditions such as post-surgical and post-traumatic wound healing). After the first 15-minute treatment, the Loop will go to “sleep” for 1 hour and 45 minutes until the next 15-minute treatment. It will cycle through this treatment protocol until it has been turned off manually or the battery dies. The Assisi Loop Auto-Cycle offers a minimum of 100 15-minute treatments.
Regardless of what is being treated, we recommend that you start with a minimum of 3 to 4 15-minute treatments per day for acute and chronic or degenerative conditions.
When treating acute conditions with an Assisi Loop-Automatic, it is recommended that treatments begin immediately and that the Loop is left on automatic mode for anywhere from 48 hours to two weeks. This also depends on the animal’s progress. When treating post-surgically, treatment can begin immediately after the operation and should continue until the surgical site is healed.
For chronic or degenerative conditions, we recommend that you continue with 3 to 4 treatments per day for 7 to 10 days and monitor the animal until you see improved mobility and less pain response. Again, you can taper down to 1 or 2 treatments per day or even 1-3 treatments per week. With some chronic and degenerative conditions, the patient may get to the point that they would only be treated as needed for pain, particularly if it is a condition that is prone to flare-ups.
Ultimately, you want to consider that the Assisi Loop is catalyzing the anti-inflammatory cascade as well as accelerating the body’s own healing properties. We rely on veterinarians to assess the animal and to work with the pet owner on the best treatment protocols for each case (See post about the effects of PEMF here).
- Treatment depth is about 2/3 the diameter of the applicator, extending out on either side.
- In this 7.5” applicator, treatment volume is ~ 8” across and 4-5” on either side.
Absolutely. There are no contraindications with other modalities, and the Loop is actually a perfect take-home treatment for pet owners to continue healing between laser or acupuncture treatments. However, given that the Loop and other treatment modalities have different mechanisms of action, we recommend that you allow 2 hours between treatments to be certain that each treatment is able to operate at its fullest efficacy.
Using the Loop over a metal implant or brace will not cause any harm, but it may distract or weaken the signal. If possible, position the Loop so that is at a 45° angle from the metallic implant. If you’re not able to do this, then you may consider using the Loop more frequently. The FDA recommends against using the human version of the Loop over tissue known to contain implanted metallic leads such as pacemakers.
The Loop may also be distracted or weakened if you are using it in a kennel or on a bed with metallic coils. Therefore, we advise that you make sure there is a distance of 4-5 inches from the Loop to the metal so that you’ll get the best possible treatment. You may choose to place a thick pad in the kennel or on the bed to allow for this distance.
Unlike diathermy, targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (tPEMF) has no contraindication for the treatment of patients with cancer or for post-cancer surgical healing. To the contrary, much of the human clinical trial work that has been done has been for post-mastectomy reconstruction patients.
View a more detailed answer on our blog.
The Assisi Loop offers a minimum of 150 15-minute treatments.
The life of the Loop depends on the battery. You’re likely to get more than the minimum number of treatments noted above if you allow the Loop to recharge for 2 hours after every 15-minute treatment. At this time, there is no way to recharge or replace the battery. One Assisi Loop can last anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months, depending on the condition being treated and the number of treatments required per day.
At this time, Loops are not rechargeable. After the battery dies, a new Loop must be purchased. The used Loop can be recycled at an electronics recycling station at a local office supply store.
You can take the Loop to any store that offers electronics recycling such as Staples or Office Max. This will allow for responsible disposal of the Lithium batteries as well as the copper wire.
Assisi Animal Health guarantees the quality of its products. If you believe your Loop has a factory defect, please call their offices at 866-830-7342. If the Loop is defective, we will gladly replace it at no cost.